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What is a better program medical weight loss or weight watchers?

29th April 2012

What is a better program medical weight loss or weight watchers?

posted in Society & Cultures |

Question by : What is a better program medical weight loss or weight watchers?
I want to join one of them. Weight watchers is pretty straight forward.I was wondering how expensive medical weight loss is and really whats the difference?

Best answer:

Answer by Sucasa
Try this web site…
there are some great secrets that celebrities use. Gratitude is very important always remember to love yourself and your body no matter whether you are your ideal weight or not. Believing that you are perfect just the way you are will actually help you achieve your goal VERY QUICKLY!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

There are currently 4 responses to “What is a better program medical weight loss or weight watchers?”

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  1. 1 On April 29th, 2012, Arief said:

    Weight watchers is better. I like it very much. Now, i’m 70 kg, i loss 10 kg. Yeahhhhh.

  2. 2 On April 29th, 2012, Frank said:

    Personally I tried almost all diet pills there is…. I highly recommend acupressure for weight loss, it worked for mariah carey and celine dion. I suggest going

    to your nearest acupressure center and inquire about your goal in weight loss.

    There is also a product for auriculopressure therapy called Aurislim, I tried it and its highly effective. Just google “Aurislim” so you can check out reviews.

    Also research on INTERVAL TRAINING, its also effective if your hitting the gym.

  3. 3 On April 29th, 2012, Cooper Lyles said:

    Do not try weight loss pill; I knew weight loss pills did not work because I did not believe that you can “magically” lose weight just by taking a pill and doing nothing. This is when I started looking at structured programs or weight loss programs dedicated to helping people like me and you lose weight. Anyways before I diverge check out, they have great tips on losing weight.

  4. 4 On April 29th, 2012, Jamie said:

    Weight Watchers is great. The focus is on education and portion sizing. You learn how to eat more healthful foods. I used Weight Watchers about 8 years ago to lose 20 pounds and it has stayed off. You can follow the entire plan online if you sign up for Weight Watchers Online (That’s what I did.) They often have coupons, too, where you can save as much as 25% to 30% for signing up for a 3 month plan. Here’s a site that keeps updated Weight Watchers Coupons:

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