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The Top 3 Acne Myths And Facts For Clear Skin

21st April 2012

The Top 3 Acne Myths And Facts For Clear Skin

posted in Teens |

The Top 3 Acne Myths And Facts For Clear Skin

Go To: and click ‘like’ to get the ebook right away. The top 3 acne myths and facts for clear skin is a video talking about the top 3 acne myths. The first one is that acne goes away at a certain age, this is not true based on the fact that both teens and adults have acne….
Video Rating: 4 / 5 Garlic for acne treatment is a great idea. Garlic is both anti-fungal and anti-bacterial so it kills the bacteria which feeds acne growth. It also helps strengthen the immune system which will help in fighting toxins and foreign things in the body. Garlic also strengthens the cardiovascular system and heart which help the blood become cleansed which heals the skin faster. Garlic if a very beneficial super food herb! I recommend that you include garlic in your diet in order to help clear up your skin. Please like, favorite, comment and share! David “The Skin” King

There are currently 50 responses to “The Top 3 Acne Myths And Facts For Clear Skin”

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  1. 1 On April 21st, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    That’s what I would do, It’s too harsh and is only temporary anyway… Try the secret acne cleanse out for a few days too if you haven’t already.

  2. 2 On April 21st, 2012, Christian305G said:

    so david should I just suddenly stop using salycilic acid on my face If I want to decrease my acne problems?

  3. 3 On April 21st, 2012, juliiaguliiaa said:

    uhh i never said he didn’t? did you not see my previous comment back? Hello? i know hes AMAZING! i was just suggesting, whats a video without feedback?

  4. 4 On April 21st, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    For some people it may go away, because their hormones balance out more but to really get rid of it for good (no little breakouts here and there) you should still focus on using natural products and having a healthy nutritious diet etc.

  5. 5 On April 21st, 2012, Tj5923 said:

    @acneerasingsecrets if you have a family history of hormonal acne that generally goes away after puberty it would probably clear up when you are 18 or older; my family members had bad acne in their teen years but it went away soo….its not really a myth but good vidz keep them coming

  6. 6 On April 21st, 2012, MrDanRoyale said:

    This is his video, he can do whatever he wants. David provides great information & entertainment.

  7. 7 On April 21st, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    yes and no, there are still adults that have acne. People of all ages have hormonal imbalances that cause acne. And… the skin can be unhealthy at any age. But if you wait for your hormones to balance out and don’t make any changes you will be waiting a while with no guarantee! so it’s better to do what you can with what you got instead of procrastinate.

  8. 8 On April 21st, 2012, FiAHFiGHTERS said:

    And doesn’t acne stop when u get older because teens have hormone imbalances which causes acne for many teens and when u get older ur hormones balance out? Idk just stuff I’ve been hearing

  9. 9 On April 21st, 2012, FiAHFiGHTERS said:

    I have just started the lemon juice treatment and wanted to know how long I should wait to see results? 1 day? 1 week? 1 month? And at what time should I stop using it if it doesn’t work?

  10. 10 On April 21st, 2012, juliiaguliiaa said:

    haha it’s okay i understand! thanks for all the help!(:

  11. 11 On April 21st, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    Most definitely, if you cannot get organic fruits and vegetables then still get them… You should really start eating fruits and vegetables! On a daily basis you should at least have vegetables in your diet, fruits too! This should be the majority of your diet and is so important for healthy clear skin so start doing it right away! Thank you so much for the compliment, i’m glad my videos are helping you! will keep it up! :)

  12. 12 On April 21st, 2012, cynni16 said:

    After watching a few of ur videos I subscribed, very informative ! If you can’t get organic fruit and veggies, would eating regular fruit and veggies be effective in clearing up the skin ? esp. using ur skin care secrets ? To be honest any fruit or vegetable would be great for me cause I barely eat them :/

  13. 13 On April 21st, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    yeah, lol… I don’t do it intentionally! I just have so much to share in one video I have to move fast and get a lot across.

  14. 14 On April 21st, 2012, juliiaguliiaa said:

    i think it would be much better if you didnt bable as much!

  15. 15 On April 21st, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    @paperplanegang101295 Before I get into juice… I don’t recommend “milk” at least regular dairy milk… The reason why is because the cows are extremely unhealthy (pumped with growth hormone) and the dairy you receive from that milk is not healthy at all. I recommend coconut, almond or rice milk instead… you’ll get much more nutritional value that way. Honestly, most juices are junk… I don’t buy juice from the store I make it with a juicer. You have to read the label to really find out!

  16. 16 On April 21st, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! it means a lot to me that you would not only watch and learn but help your friends learn as well! you rock :)

  17. 17 On April 21st, 2012, favoritesmoothies said:

    I’ve been telling my friends to watch your videos :)

  18. 18 On April 21st, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    Agreed! hormones and genes are often used as an excuse, when you take care of your health you take care of your skin.

  19. 19 On April 21st, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    Agreed! hormones and genes are often used as an excuse, when you take care of your health you take care of your skin.

  20. 20 On April 21st, 2012, favoritesmoothies said:

    nutrients effect genes and hormones, though, as well… so naturally, EVERYONE can get perfectly flawless skin, regardless of genes, hormones, etc..

  21. 21 On April 21st, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    People will still use moisturizers but their diet will help more and yes it would effect the industry… that’s why I think dermatologists and doctors keep saying diet & acne isn’t related.

  22. 22 On April 21st, 2012, jk61490 said:

    yo bro, even those fuckin skin care companies, lik proactiv say on their website
    that acne isn’t diet related. If the whole public realized that found out that these
    creams don;t actually help, a billion dollar industry would should down

  23. 23 On April 21st, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    Very cool! Thanks for sharing that! :)

  24. 24 On April 21st, 2012, Ladyofdeath777 said:

    Oxford actually did a study on diet and skin health. It showed that diet does affect skin health and eating more fiber and foods rich in vitamins and minerals will actually make you more attractive!

  25. 25 On April 21st, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    honestly, most multi-vitamins are a waste of time because they are so low quality and not really assimilated by the body. I just recommend getting a really healthy diet and taking herbs and things instead that will give you a nutritional boost in other areas.

  26. 26 On April 21st, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    Awesome :) Check out the secret acne cleanse too if you haven’t already!

  27. 27 On April 21st, 2012, 1989NikeMcfly said:

    I will start doing this as of today.

  28. 28 On April 21st, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    Garlic has many health benefits (although I would recommend it with other food) in salads or something etc… My great grandpa smoked like crazy but had a few cloves of garlic each day with his popcorn and lived till like 88 (pretty old considering how much he smoked) so I would recommend having garlic, just with other food… it might be too strong for the body on an empty stomach. I would recommend it, because it’s healthy… but too much can aggravate acne too so watch it closely.

  29. 29 On April 22nd, 2012, DREGARB said:

    I eat 2-3 garlic pieces a day on an empty stomach in the mornings. My mom wants me to stop doing that because she thinks too much of everything can harm the body. I currently have acne that is why I started to eat it around a month ago. Do you think that is true or should I keep eating garlic? Thanks!

  30. 30 On April 22nd, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    Drink a lot of water, check out the “drinking water to clear skin” video that I made and also use aloe vera on it topically… I recommend eating garlic internally to help your skin btw.

  31. 31 On April 22nd, 2012, kdm9able said:

    I had applied garlic on my face 10 days ago and had got burn marks on my face, Does anybody know hw t gt rid of these.

  32. 32 On April 22nd, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    pumpkin seeds are healthy! I recommend them.

  33. 33 On April 22nd, 2012, MadameMcintosh said:

    You keep chewin’ :D, what’s your take on pumpkin seeds btw? I ate 4 eggs today and a big piece of beef, is it normal that my skin improved a lot ^^? Apparently I’m more designed to eat animal protein. Of course, this all means I didn’t eat a gram of sugar, and as I have mold, that’s a good thing. I also ate garlic, and I’m gonna eat another clove within an hour.

  34. 34 On April 22nd, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    Keep it up! I chew on garlic every once in a while, there are many health benefits of it and yes it’s great for candida!

  35. 35 On April 22nd, 2012, MadameMcintosh said:

    I think this will be the most important step in my diet. I stopped eating fruit now, I only eat lean meat, fish, eggs and lots and lots of vegetables.
    I’ve heard eating raw garlic (2 cloves a day) is great for candida, as you told me recently, and apparently crushing it and leaving it for 5 minutes makes it even better.

  36. 36 On April 22nd, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    Whatever works best for you! :)

  37. 37 On April 22nd, 2012, Taja548 said:

    Its really hard to chew and swallow though.I just chop it up in really small pieces and swallow it.

  38. 38 On April 22nd, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    There are a ton of them! Thanks for commenting :)

  39. 39 On April 22nd, 2012, Taja548 said:

    Nice room and great advice.We need more natural remedies.

  40. 40 On April 22nd, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    Thanks for sharing! :) 

  41. 41 On April 22nd, 2012, RETIREMESOON said:

    It’s called a garlic press to get the alicin juice out.

    there are 300 compounds in Garlic.

    My wife had facial infections for 10 years UNTIL she began taking KWAI garic supplements for 2 years.

    KWAI Garlic does NOT smell and it was used in Garlic studies as the best source. GOOGLE IT

  42. 42 On April 22nd, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    I’m glad to hear that i’m helping! Glad to her that you are making a better decision for you and your health…. I will make it soon!

  43. 43 On April 22nd, 2012, keonda4ever said:

    ok thanks dude. I was about to by the acne free. org stuff but i didnt because of what you said I looked into it and you were right!! Well hopefully you make the video soon:)

  44. 44 On April 22nd, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    I’ll look into it and most likely do so… Thanks for the recommendation :)

  45. 45 On April 22nd, 2012, keonda4ever said:

    can you review the avon clear skin profesional please. the 3step regimen

  46. 46 On April 22nd, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    lol… that sounds like a bad experience? Did you chew first? lol! (my bad, it’s not that funny… But it sorta is) 

  47. 47 On April 22nd, 2012, 1337oldman said:

    damn i tried to swallow a garglic piece and it stuck in my throat DONT TRY THAT it was horrible could not get it out

  48. 48 On April 22nd, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    Very true, you can get those allergies cleared though by a holistic/homeopath that knows what they are doing!

  49. 49 On April 22nd, 2012, thelovevitamin said:

    Yeah, I just had an allergy to it. I was tricked because everything says its so good! Not that it isn’t, it just goes to show you can have an allergy to anything

  50. 50 On April 22nd, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    weird, I’ve never heard that before… You must be allergic to it then? That would make sense.

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