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Watch Acne Rosacea Treatment – Acne Roscea

27th March 2012

Watch Acne Rosacea Treatment – Acne Roscea

posted in Teens | acne roscea Rosacea Acne seabuckthorn oil. Tashi webcam video deadseagirl seabuckthorn oil. tashi acne rosacea treatment Treatment teen acne treatment rosacea treatment skin support system instructional video treatment ma for Holistic approach Dead Sea Healers Telangiectatic…
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Fiber For Acne Fiber for acne is a great idea because fiber acts like a brush cleaning the intestinal tract and digestive system. When the digestive system does it’s job and cleanse these well because of the fiber the acne begins to clear up because instead of the toxins and things that are foreign in the body trying to escape the skin they flush out of your digestive system like they naturally should. Fiber also regulates blood sugar levels which regulates hormone levels and keeps your skin balanced so that more acne isn’t produced. Fiber is very beneficial for clearing up acne and naturally getting rid of acne at home so I recommend you include more dark green leafy vegetables, fruits, beans, brown rice and whole wheat in your diet when you can. Also be sure to drink plenty of purified or spring water each day because this will help the fiber do it’s job in clearing up the acne better. Please like, favorite, comment and share! David “The Skin” King
Video Rating: 4 / 5

There are currently 25 responses to “Watch Acne Rosacea Treatment – Acne Roscea”

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  1. 1 On March 27th, 2012, smokefromsky said:

    Acne is a seriouse problem based on internal factors.find some information about skin care and get a 100% natural product to solve acne problems.make your suggestions about the subjects you want to know more.visit me at best-natural-skin-care-solutio­

  2. 2 On March 27th, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    @qwerasdzxc12 I think what you mean by this is that fiber helps vitamin absorption in the body, fiber is a good thing and will definitely help the digestive system and intestninal tract… Probiotics do as well. They both benefit eachother so I recommend both.

  3. 3 On March 27th, 2012, qwerasdzxc12 said:

    thanks! and since fiber absorbs vitamins, minerals and water, will it cancel the benefits of probiotic when taken with it?

  4. 4 On March 27th, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    @qwerasdzxc12 it’s better than no fiber, but if you can get it in your diet all the better.

  5. 5 On March 27th, 2012, qwerasdzxc12 said:

    hey david ! what do you think about fiber in the form of a powder to have in the morning with a probiotic?

  6. 6 On March 27th, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    @DHammerr Get some probiotics!

  7. 7 On March 28th, 2012, DHammerr said:

    one very important thing that needs to be said about fiber, if you take too much of it suddenly, like if you start eating 5 vegs and 5 fruits per day without gradually introducing these in your diet, you will have HORRIBLE HORRIBLE gas !

  8. 8 On March 28th, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    @DHammerr LOL! haha… nice :)

  9. 9 On March 28th, 2012, DHammerr said:

    4:26 the computer said : ok im bored im outta here

    just kidding, good vid

  10. 10 On March 28th, 2012, kaylapaiam said:

    The American Institute Of Advanced Medicine can help! They have over 25 years experience and over 90% success rate for a varity for skin disorders including cystic acne check out their protocols really work!!

    Their medication is FDA approved with no side effects! ** Not a scam!

  11. 11 On March 28th, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    @JexxyT I don’t like it at all or recommend it… check out the video I made called “benzoyl peroxide and accutane = losing” My brother was born with a birth defect because of accutane… My mom took it and had health problems which I personally believe the drug caused as well. I would stay away from it, they are actually banning the drug because it’s so dangerous… finally! it should have not been approved in the first place to be honest.

  12. 12 On March 28th, 2012, JexxyT said:

    What do you think of accutane?

  13. 13 On March 28th, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    @DBClay96 It’s beneficial yeah, But I recommend that you get it in your diet because you will benefit from it more that way b/c your body will assimilate it better overall. Thanks for the comment!

  14. 14 On March 28th, 2012, DBClay96 said:

    What about fiber supplements?

  15. 15 On March 28th, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    @Kanal2011Kanal2011 Thanks for the positive feedback! I really appreciate it! :)

  16. 16 On March 28th, 2012, Kanal2011Kanal2011 said:


  17. 17 On March 28th, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    @OneQuarkMore Glad to hear! Thanks so much! I really appreciate it… thanks for the support! I hope you enjoy my other videos!

  18. 18 On March 28th, 2012, OneQuarkMore said:

    good video! i learned something!!
    jane in nyc

  19. 19 On March 28th, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    @myne4 Yeah, you are probably right… Most scientists don’t care about it and don’t feel like researching acne… In fact i’ve never seen a study done on acne… I have heard of a few but they were BS and funded by big skin care companies and we all know what that means! Fiber does help clear up skin though… If you have acne and try it out experience will show that. Scientific evidence is sometimes BS, and sometimes just plain lies… Experience it for yourself, that’s the best science!

  20. 20 On March 28th, 2012, myne4 said:

    There is no scientific evidence that fiber reduces the severity of acne.

  21. 21 On March 28th, 2012, kmichicken said:

    @MadameMcintosh Oh okay, I completely misunderstood you , but fiber helps to remove cholesterol and lipids ( prevents the body to absorb them) so removes particles that can potentially produce acne.

  22. 22 On March 28th, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    @MadameMcintosh Ahh gotcha, it’s good for both reasons though… Removing toxins helps your body become healthier and in a small way it alkalizes your body too because toxins usually will cause the body to be more acidic.

  23. 23 On March 28th, 2012, MadameMcintosh said:

    @kmichicken I said fiber is good, but not because it removes toxins, but because foods that contain a lot of fiber are alkaline 95% of the time (fruit and vegetables and edible plants).
    Ever since I started following an alkaline diet, I didn’t get one zit.

  24. 24 On March 28th, 2012, MadameMcintosh said:

    @acneerasingsecrets Oh no, I didn’t say fiber isn’t good, I said the reason why it’s good isn’t because of it’s cleansing but because most fiber-containing food are alkaline. Believe me, I stuff myself with fiber every day now :D. Ate 2 cucumbers, 600g carrots, 10 apples and 3 kiwis yesterday. I love fiber :D. But you better drink water with that, or your toilet experience will be quite horrifying.

  25. 25 On March 28th, 2012, acneerasingsecrets said:

    @12eAcTi0nZz overall yeah b/c there are barely any actually healthy grain products out there… There is like one bread company that is pretty good… The rest are bs “grains!”

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