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11 Cheap & Natural Beauty Secrets from your Kitchen

19th March 2012

11 Cheap & Natural Beauty Secrets from your Kitchen

posted in Chat & Forums |

Please Let me know if you would like me to do a video on any of the mask, cleanses, etc I mention in this video. This video is just to inform everyone about 11 beauty secrets you can find in your kitchen! :DI also present you 40 tips I have learned to use these ingredients to make your own beauty treatments but it would take way to long to explain how to do each individual treatment so please request a treatment if you want to see how I actually make a clarifying cleanse or a pigmentation lightener or a hair wax removal or whatever etc. Thanks! Here are the 11 ingredients and 40 tips 1:Olive oil moisturizer softener maintain healthy nails and cuticles make up remover subsitute for shaving cream used to make hair removal wax use in hair mask 2: Cinnamon Lightens hair Add to mask to help acne prone/ oily skin Put in lip gloss to make lip plumper 3:Beer Natural toner Use in clarifying hair cleanse 4:Vitamin E Semi water proof lip gloss Great in hair mask Great in a lip scrub 5:Lemon Mix with Turmeric to lighten pigmentation and scars Cleansing and detoxifying properties Creates natural highlights/ lightens hair 6:Brown Sugar (or any sugar) Is a Great Exfoliater Use in body scrub Use in Lip Scrub also not mentioned but you can use it in a hair wax removal 7:Eggs Makes hair shiny Use as Conditioner Use in a firming facial mask 8:Baking Soda Great in clay mask Natural teeth whitener Microdermabrasion/ Use as Exfoliater Soak up oil from scalp 9: Yogurt (greek is the best) Use in

There are currently 10 responses to “11 Cheap & Natural Beauty Secrets from your Kitchen”

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  1. 1 On March 19th, 2012, TannahPutASpellOnYou said:

    Nice vid!:)

  2. 2 On March 19th, 2012, 9131499 said:

    How do you actually use olive oil to moisturize your hands?

  3. 3 On March 19th, 2012, MaddieGrace14 said:

    Love this video!! Could you check out my channel and give me some tips? Thanks <3

  4. 4 On March 19th, 2012, MonyharuKia said:

    You should really keep making videos you get straight to the point(:

  5. 5 On March 19th, 2012, MonyharuKia said:

    LOL cocoa powder as a bronzer

  6. 6 On March 19th, 2012, sw1mch1ch64 said:

    does the lightening my hair with cinnimon work for red heads? I have natural red hair but want to lighten it

  7. 7 On March 19th, 2012, funkypree said:

    i like!…. you get straight too it… (Y)

  8. 8 On March 19th, 2012, Kelsiesbeautysecrets said:

    sorry guys late reply but I def will do more videos like this 😀 thanks for your awesome comments:D

  9. 9 On March 19th, 2012, lanum1delaslokas said:

    U shuld do more plz

  10. 10 On March 19th, 2012, craftsandcupcakes said:

    LOVE this =) do more!

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