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# Title Category Hits Rating
1 A bus conversation
- A bus stops and two Italian men get on. They seat themselves andengage in animated conversation. The...Read the whole joke
Ethnic 3069 0
2 If a couple from Tennessee get a legal divorce...
- If a couple from Tennessee get a legal divorce, can they st...Read the whole joke
Ethnic 264 0
3 What is the last thing you usually hear before...
- What is the last thing you usually hear before a redneck di...Read the whole joke
Ethnic 148 0
4 A journalist assigned to the Jerusalem bureau...
- A journalist assigned to the Jerusalem bureau takes an apartment overlooking the Wailing Wall. Every...Read the whole joke
Ethnic 2266 0
5 With a puzzled look on his face...
- With a puzzled look on his face an Indian boy asked,"Say, mom, why is my bigger brother named Mighty...Read the whole joke
Ethnic 179 0
6 A Scottish lad and lass were sitting together on a heathery hill...
- A Scottish lad and lass were sitting together on a heathery hillin the Highlands. They had been sile...Read the whole joke
Ethnic 283 0
7 What is the definition of a Jewish nyphomaniac?
- What's the definition of a Jewish nyphomaniac? One that screws when she's just had her hair done...Read the whole joke
Ethnic 145 0
8 What is a Jewish American Princesses idea of kinky sex?
- What's a Jewish American Princess's idea of kinky sex? She moves....Read the whole joke
Ethnic 189 0
9 The three survivors of the shipwreck...
- The three survivors of the shipwreck were being driven mad by hunger.The Irishman, an expert navigat...Read the whole joke
Ethnic 309 0
10 What is the difference between a black and a white fairy tale?
- What's the difference between a black and a white fairy tale?A white one starts off with "Once upon ...Read the whole joke
Ethnic 185 0
11 Why do not Mexicans teach drivers Ed...
- Why don't Mexicans teach driver's Ed. and Sex Education on the same day? Because they don't wan...Read the whole joke
Ethnic 153 0
12 Why does the University of Tennesse football...
- Why does the University of Tennesse footballteam wear orange to all their Saturday games? So th...Read the whole joke
Ethnic 142 0
13 How do you sink a Polish submarine?
- How do you sink a Polish submarine? You knock on the door....Read the whole joke
Ethnic 264 0
14 Why do Scottsmen wear kilts?
- Why do Scottsmen wear kilts?The sound of the zipper scares the sheep.Sent by Lou...Read the whole joke
Ethnic 140 0
15 An old italian couple is walking around in the mall...
- An old italian couple is walking around in the mall. Aftera while they get separated so the woman go...Read the whole joke
Ethnic 301 0
16 An old Jewish man is talking long-distance to California...
- An old Jewish man is talking long-distance to California when all of a sudden he gets cut off. He ho...Read the whole joke
Ethnic 298 0
17 Detective report
- A man suspected his wife of seeing another man.So, he hired a famous Chinese detective,Ram Pam Sim W...Read the whole joke
Ethnic 311 0
18 Southerners are not that stupid
- A ventriloquist working down South, is confronted by atheater patron during his show. The hick stan...Read the whole joke
Ethnic 321 0
19 How do you tell if an Arkansas girl is old enough to marry?
- Q: How do you tell if an Arkansas girl is old enough to marry? A: Make her stand in a barrel. If her...Read the whole joke
Ethnic 219 0
20 Why do some people take an instant aversion to banjo players?
- Q: Why do some people take an instant aversion to banjo players?A: It saves time in the long run....Read the whole joke
Ethnic 143 0
21 Why do Southern guys go to family reunions?
- Q: Why do Southern guys go to family reunions?A: To meet chicks....Read the whole joke
Ethnic 139 0
22 Why does Mike Tyson cry during sex?
- Q: Why does Mike Tyson cry during sex?A: Mace....Read the whole joke
Ethnic 194 0
23 How do you circumcise a hillbilly?
- Q: How do you circumcise a hillbilly?A: Kick his sister in the jaw....Read the whole joke
Ethnic 266 0
24 Jewish view on when life begins
- Jewish view on when life begins: There's a big controversyon when life begins. In Jewish tradition t...Read the whole joke
Ethnic 272 0
25 Looking for a monkey wrench
- An old farmer is driving down a country road in his pickup truck whenit starts making an awful noise...Read the whole joke
Ethnic 305 0
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