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 Post subject: Hey R&P! Have You Ever Met/Known Anyone Who Has Completely Blown Your Mind With Their Knowledge Of M
PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:06 am 

Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:06 am
Posts: 1
I have a very good friend from Germany who did just this to me last night! We stayed up until the wee hours talking 'Metal' and googling/youtubing recommendations (after a quite awesome KMFDM gig ;) ... and couldn't believe some of the stuff she was showing me... i thought i more or less 'knew' my metal... but she blew me out of the water!

She was a teen in the old East Germany and was telling me about her days tape-trading, as decent LP's were hard to come by before the wall came down... and i was frankly in awe of the stuff she was pulling out of the hat!

Have you ever met or known someone that has made you seriously rethink what you thought you knew about music? .. or has a vast and amazing knowledge of this beautiful art form?

here are some choice nuggets... all 'metal' lol... (she showed me a bunch of cool punk bands too, but that's for another day... ;)

Zed Yago...

Living Death...

Armoured Angel...


Num Skull...

awesome stuff!

BQ: Do you know any of these bands i've posted? Which is your favourite?

BQ2: post a clip of a tune (any genre) you think the world may not have heard... and should hear!

reet... a rant then... thanks for your answers all first, much appreciated :)... ...

as are yours Darth and Smiley, i had both of you in mind when i asked this q... but please leave that crap out of my questions... this is ' Musical Switzerland' if you catch my drift...

sorry to have a go guys... just i've been around for a while and i've kinda witnessed your drama... and it seems kinda sad and infantile... and i honestly reckon there are people 'spiking' you with fake accounts just to watch you slug it out... i may be wrong... but whatever ... c'mon guys... you're adults... and i have huge respect for you both... sort it out and don't bring it in here...

love migh ;)

ok Smiley thanks... but like i say... keep it out of my q's both...

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 Post subject: Hey R&P! Have You Ever Met/Known Anyone Who Has Completely Blown Your Mind With Their Knowledge Of M
PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:14 am 

Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:14 am
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Yes I have, and it's a crying sad shame he turned into the biggest paranoid, numbskulled, clone-making jerko in the western world. He was a helluva great friend before he totally lost it, the first Reg I ever met in R&P 2 years ago, oh well, mental instability is a sad thing.

I'll give the man credit, he might be a paranoid delusional manic with delusions of grandeur and omnipotence but he does known more about Classic Rock that anyone I ever met.

BA: Armored Angel, good stuff


I didn't use anyone's name at all, not one time. Nice to see some people prove My point with 48 paragraphs of paranoid disconnected rambling though, awesome work.

And they started the trash and lies first along with making clones of Me, Rckets, Fonzie, and Shred

Also, excellent job of showing the World You have 10 accounts. And You call me obsessed...LOL.

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 Post subject: Hey R&P! Have You Ever Met/Known Anyone Who Has Completely Blown Your Mind With Their Knowledge Of M
PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:22 am 

Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:22 am
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Radio Waves Were Like Snow.

Yeah...he likes some good stuff.

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 Post subject: Hey R&P! Have You Ever Met/Known Anyone Who Has Completely Blown Your Mind With Their Knowledge Of M
PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:30 am 

Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:30 am
Posts: 1
Yeah! There's this guy called migh and.. XD

But actually, no I haven't. I don't think.. :P

Do I have to listen to your links, because there's a 90% probability I won't like them. XD

Ok, I'll listen to the first one then...

Hahaha! She's like the love child of Alice Cooper and Janis Joplin!!

Ok I'll go listen to the rest then. :P

BQ: No!

BQ2: Everyone needs to hear it.. BALLROOM BLITZ! If you don't like this song, you have no soul. :)

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 Post subject: Hey R&P! Have You Ever Met/Known Anyone Who Has Completely Blown Your Mind With Their Knowledge Of M
PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:38 am 

Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:38 am
Posts: 1
I have blown away quite a few people myself. Yes, my metal knowledge is that vast. Bow down to me, maggots! Well, not really. It's just that people around are pretty much musically illiterate. They think Slipknot is the heaviest sh*t ever, black metal just plain sucks and just because I know the name of Metallica's first album I'm a 'OMG!! Music freak!'. My cousin once totally blew me away by showing me his HUGE collection of metal when I was just getting into it. But after a year of metal education, I realized that he just had stuff from most of the big bands and a few obscure power/progressive bands. Otherr than that, I don't think so.

BA: Not really, but I have heard about Living Death and I think, Armoured Angel. I will definitely check 'em all out.

BA2: I could name a really obscure track but instead, as I'm addicted to the song right now, I'll name a somewhat well known track which I think everybody should hear:

Judas Priest - Some Heads Are Gonna Roll:

edit: Like [S] said, a few people on R&P have definitely impressed the crap out of me. How could I forget?

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 Post subject: Hey R&P! Have You Ever Met/Known Anyone Who Has Completely Blown Your Mind With Their Knowledge Of M
PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:46 am 

Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:46 am
Posts: 1
Here in RandP a few Regs have impressed me. I really don't want to get into the name game and make this a popularity contest but there are some people here that are very knowledgeable.

Knowledgeable as far as people in signed bands I would give credit to Steven Wilson of Porcupine Tree. That guy is a Wealth of Knowledge just Simply an Oasis of knowledge. I watched him play Music Trivia against Mike A of Opeth and Steven killed him lol. Man was Steven just pounding out the answers to some very difficult Qs about Obscure things.

W. Dane of Nevermore is Very knowledgeable because he gets into ALL KINDS of music. Dane knows A LOT when it comes to the Goth Rock genre, alternative, folk. Very knowledgeable.

So the gig was good? Cool migh

I have heard of Living Death and Morgoth. I will check out the others right now. :D

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 Post subject: Hey R&P! Have You Ever Met/Known Anyone Who Has Completely Blown Your Mind With Their Knowledge Of M
PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:54 am 

Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2009 12:54 am
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yep my best friend we both play guitar but he can play a hell of alot better than i can and he talks about nirvana alot(he idolizes Cobain) and i dont even kno what hes talking about sometimes

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 Post subject: Hey R&P! Have You Ever Met/Known Anyone Who Has Completely Blown Your Mind With Their Knowledge Of M
PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:02 am 

Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:02 am
Posts: 1
Yes, over the years I've met a few persons within the music industry (of which I spent many years working as well) personalities...recording engineers...musicians...obsessive collectors at record shows, etc...that have an astounding knowledge encompassing many genres.
A few persons right here in R&P (including yourself), really surprise me from time to time with their knowledge as well.

It seems as though a certain ungrateful foul mouthed someone is totally obsessed with me, and is unable to leave things alone...Haaa. Sadly, I suppose his paranoiac witch hunts and false unsubstantiated public accusations of people within the R&P community are pretty much the norm here now. We've come to expect this type of behavior from what else is new.
Though I must say...I'm flattered to be mentioned at a question such as this...even if his answer does happen to be that of an unsubstantiated, contradictory, hypocritical, paranoiac, bi-polar Jack Daniels induced nature...Lol.

BQ: Yes I'm familiar with your bands, as I've always been a huge 80's/90's thrash fanatic.
I would have to say that 'Living Death' would be my favorite of the bands you've listed. You should check out another cool German band 'Mekong Delta' (if you haven't already) they featured one time 'Living Death' guitarist Reiner Kelch also.

BQ2: Here's a few lesser known bands from the 70's...

Toe Fat - That's My Love For You:
Kahvas Jute - Odyssey:
Blackfeather - Mango's -Theme Part 2:
Thundermug - Africa:
Granicus - You're In America (lead singer Woody Leffel reminds me of Geddy Lee):
Truth And Janey - Birth Of The Heart:
Primevil - Leavin'
Los Dug Dug's - Smog:
Power of Zeus - The Sorcerer of Isis:
Euclid - All Over Now:
Sex - Come, Wake Up:
Light Of Darkness - Soul Francisco:
Kebnekaise - Horgallten:

* Edit - Migh:
I appreciate your point of view, and have nothing but respect for you. I only offer my words (see 2nd paragraph above) as a form of defense...which is the case 100% of the time with this person. I would not have mentioned anything at all, had he not trashed me in the first place within his answer (also the case 100% of the time) "infantile" as that might seem to be it :)
It seems as though he takes every opportunity available in R&P to spew his unsubstantiated BS...The fact that his entire derogatory answer is based solely on ME speaks volumes.

Edit - Migh:
Your welcome...but there's really nothing to be "sorted out". Like I's quite simple; Don't trash/spread lies about me continuously throughout R&P...and I won't feel the need to defend myself. If he's able to comply with this simple request, then there wouldn't be any problems. Plain and simple.

Edit - Darth:
I haven't cloned anyone. Like I are always the first person to sling mud, while fabricating lies about others. I only react to your moronic paranoiac hearsay based unfounded accusations (multiple accounts...cloning people, etc etc etc), of which I am not guilty. Rckets and Shred are my friends/contacts, and I communicate with them quite regularly. Why on earth would I do such a thing as clone them...or anyone else for that matter?
As for Fonzie? Our entire communication between one another is based solely on two emails sent well over a year ago. He sent one to me...and I replied once to him. That's where it ended. So your accusations of me harassing these people are flat out lies. They know this, I know this, as do many other persons within this community. You are the only person that seems to be confused here, while pathetically grasping at straws in a last ditched attempt to salvage something...what that might be, we'll never know. Perhaps it's a lame attempt on your part to mislead people into thinking what you say is true? You really need to take a break from this place. This much is obvious.

And just how have I "proven to the world that I have 10 accounts"? That's ludicrous dude. The fact that you've earned 13,000 points in a little over 3 months says it all...Obsessive multi account point gamer?...Lol. Any fool can see that. Unbelievable...and very very sad indeed.
For the record...I have 3 accounts (just like you did 1 year ago...though you may have more by now). One of them is a Smiley backup account:;_ylt=Ass1I3heogjjqpO71LByF62v.Bd.;_ylv=3?show=Z20AKn6waa
...and the other is also for backup purposes (which I never use)...
Of my three accounts, one of them is level 1. So with that said, I'm only able to give Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down with two of my accounts, though I never resort to using more than one thumb per question. I'm not the one who is obsessed with the whole TU/TD game. They mean nothing to me. But we've all seen the way you react to TD's in the past, with your finger pointing edits..."Thanks a lot for the 12 TD's Shred"...or "Way to go with proving to the world you have 10 accounts Smiley"...Lol.
So nice job of proving to the world that you are a paranoid, jealous, lying, scorned fool....with no life whatsoever.

Edit -
Hi Beatle Fanatic...thanks so much for the kind words :)

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 Post subject: Hey R&P! Have You Ever Met/Known Anyone Who Has Completely Blown Your Mind With Their Knowledge Of M
PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:10 am 

Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:10 am
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Yes, I was going to say that there used to be a guy that frequented R&P for a while named Smiley (my first contact who was known then as Chunga's Revenge) but here he is again!
I thought that I knew a lot about 60's music but compared to him I'm like a novice asking questions about Country music.

Hi Smiley!

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 Post subject: Hey R&P! Have You Ever Met/Known Anyone Who Has Completely Blown Your Mind With Their Knowledge Of M
PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:18 am 

Joined: Sat Jun 06, 2009 1:18 am
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Obviously, there are many people on this forum that know an awful lot about music. It seems they can answer any question. Smiley, Rckets, Darth come to mind. But I have met a person in Michigan at some of the music trivia contests I participate in that quite honestly never misses a question. And these are questions relating to rock,pop, soul and country that range from the late 50's to the mid 80's. I don't think he would do as well with new music, but his knowledge of oldies and classic rock is unmatched.

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