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Help! I did somehting horrible.. Answer now!?
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Author:  GlazedDoughnuts [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Help! I did somehting horrible.. Answer now!?

Hi my name is kady im 13>.Well iw as in a teen chat room that was supposed to have supervision. So this boy is all like.. are u horny, and I said no,, he said aww that sux.

I asked if I could see his webcam and hes all like Nah. i don't know you.And Im like well i like to know who Im talking too. And then hes like Ill show you my d.

And I said no thank you. hes like fine ill let you see my webcam. Only of my d. and I said no. And then hes like fine.

And then he asked for me to see his webcam and it was red for a minute. then it showed his penis!

I feel horrible! I blocked him immediately. bit I feel so dirty!

i learned my lesson having yahoo Messenger!

how do i handle this!. I need to unsee it. So I can continue to be innocent.

My mom depends on me to be innocent. I don't want to be like those knocked up teen ( no offense)

please no lectures! I feel horrible. im already depressed and stuff. no more pressure. just help me calm down. another q was was I asking for it?

Aww. Thanks. your being really nice.

Should I tell my mom? She freaks out easily

Im gonna watch reruns of CLEAN HOUSE!

The good thing is... I dint get any feelings!

Author:  NotASupermum [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Help! I did somehting horrible.. Answer now!?

Sweetie, you didn't do something horrible, you were trusting and a little naive, but it doesn't mean you commited some sort of sin. You saw it, you can't unsee it. It doesn't mean that you're going to go get pregnant, at least now you know what one looks like. Being educated in sexual matters may make you less likely to go and get pregnant.
In future, don't look at anyone's webcam unless it's someone you know well.

Author:  emma_flogalog [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Help! I did somehting horrible.. Answer now!?

dont dwell on it... go for a run... clear your head

Author:  PrincessAimeesMummy [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Help! I did somehting horrible.. Answer now!?

just dont go in chat rooms again, you are too young for a start and you dont know who youre talking to. if anyone hassles you for something like that then ignore or block them. talking to them gives them a reason to do it, and to be honest you looked at his cam and talked to him so its going to happen unless you avoid them. you cant undo it and you didnt do anything wrong, just be careful in future

Author:  Monster [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Help! I did somehting horrible.. Answer now!?

Hun, i'm sorry to hear you went through that.

best thing to do, is report him to the sites admin team and tell them what he did, copy and paste what he said and send it to the admin team. they will sort this out.

You can't unsee what you've're still innocent. don't worry.
you can't get preggers from seeing a penis.

if you feel a little bad, go watch some fun girls kids cartoons or something just to top your innocents up.

if the admin team don't do anything about this guy, tellyou'ree mother what happened and she'll kick butt for you.

Author:  Grace [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Help! I did somehting horrible.. Answer now!?

Hi! Just so you know, you're not dirty for seeing that. Nor are you a bad person. Chat rooms are scary places and I'd suggest you don't go on them, even if they are exciting. The guy you were chatting to is the one who did something wrong, not you. I'd tell your mom, but not while you are freaked out. It's good for you to know that your mom knows about what happened to you, or else it will eat at you for much longer. And moms are supposed to freak out about these stuff, 'cuz she cares about you. Go do something you enjoy, that will take your head off what happened and after that speak to your mom.

Author:  MyTwilight [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Help! I did somehting horrible.. Answer now!?

HONEY!!! that guy is the Jack***
not u!!!!
he's the one that posted that sick picture,.
not u
a lesson learnt well though i say
i suggest u move on get back to hanging out with your friends, have fun your a kid and as kid you will always be innocent. REMEMBER YOU'VE DONE NOTHING WRONG!!!!
be happy be a kid, smile u have reason to and stay away from yahoo messenger, i'm 14. i understand u'r situation.

Author:  Female [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Help! I did somehting horrible.. Answer now!?

Well, you obviously sound upset about this, so I think you learned your lesson. Just stay off chat rooms. There are a lot of sick people out there, and most of them linger on chat rooms. I'd had a similar thing happen to me when I was 14, since then, I never went on it again. I was scarred. It was disgusting. Bad things happen, and we just need to accept it. Just let it go and move on. If you think you need to talk to your mom about it, talk to her. She'll appreciate it that you can go to her over this matter. =)


Author:  Genevieve [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Help! I did somehting horrible.. Answer now!?

Hey... its okay. You will be fine. This has sorta happened to me. Tell your mom, she will help you out. :)
Also, report this guy ASAP. You might even want to try the police. He could be an chatting pervert, and he could be charged with a sexual offense. By telling someone, in theory, you could
be saving a kid from going through what you just did. If he is a kid, the police could still talk to him, or if the Prosecutor was harsh, they could charge him with distribution of child pornography. Basically, there are many things you can do right now. Don't feel bad! You were caught up in this, and it is not your fault. You're a minor, so you did nothing wrong! Do something to take your mind off of it.
Block the website too!

Author:  Yazzor [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Help! I did somehting horrible.. Answer now!?

1. You shouldn't be going on chat rooms.. They may seem like a fun thing to do, but talking to a 40 year old stranger acting like a 14 year old is something you shouldn't be messing with..
2. Your mother doesn't need to know about this, if it continues, you may need to block this chat room and go on to something more interesting.. Like playing games on the computer, or going out with friends.
3. You shouldn't feel horrible, don't you think half of the time girls are curiously want to see what a mens d looks like? You done the right thing blocking this person, but you should of deleted his account too.

Don't worry. Everything is fine, just don't let it continue!

Author:  Skyee33 [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Help! I did somehting horrible.. Answer now!?

It was out of your control, but it wasn't to big of a deal for you to be 'guilty' about it.

Author:  Jade [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Help! I did somehting horrible.. Answer now!?

is this a joke or are you just an idiot? "So I can continue to be innocent" and "My mom depends on me to be innocent" sound like pretty ridiculous statements to me. and if you wanna be so "innocent" then you shouldnt chat to ppl you dont know. you should have blocked him as soon as the convo started getting weird and sexual. your not a horrible person. just an idiot.

Author:  ionastewart [ Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Help! I did somehting horrible.. Answer now!?

its ok, it wasnt your fault. it was just an immature person with lack of respect. please stay of chatrooms but, hang out with friends instead :D.

Author:  vanszqt [ Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! I did somehting horrible.. Answer now!?


Author:  vanszqt [ Mon Oct 15, 2018 1:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Help! I did somehting horrible.. Answer now!?


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