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What are the best places to network for a career?
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Author:  PC [ Wed May 04, 2011 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  What are the best places to network for a career?

I long to start something that will feel meaningful and take advantage of my abilities, but I lack direction and focus. I'd love to work in publishing, either writing or editing. Any advice? Shove me in the right direction please.

Author:  urnewemofriend [ Wed May 04, 2011 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  What are the best places to network for a career?

Alot of people have myspaces. you could try that. Also try going to a newspaper or school newsletter place. try starting there. you will have everything you need there. hope I could help.

Author:  Patrick7436 [ Wed May 04, 2011 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  What are the best places to network for a career?

You could consider those businesses with a very low investment cost. Internet business is one of the ways. I like internet business as it will allow me to work anytime and anywhere. With current technology, the process could also be made automated. With a proper system setup and correct web marketing strategies, you could easily earn some passive incomes.

There are a lot of internet business models you could consider of (e.g. buying and selling domain names, affiliate marketing, auctions, selling digital or physical products, creating paid newsletter or websites and many more).

Since you passion is on writing or editing, you could go for selling e-Book, one of the internet business models.

With a proper system setup and correct web marketing strategies, you could start to earn some passive income.

Find out more from the link in my profile. It will tell you how to setup a successful online business step by step regardless of your experience and background. It will also tell you what are the reason behind each step, how you could go about doing it and where you could get the necessary resources free or at a low price.

Hope that it will be helpful to you.
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