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Topic review - What causes some people to create papparazzi and have constant crowds following them and bodyguards
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  Post subject:  What causes some people to create papparazzi and have constant crowds following them and bodyguards  Reply with quote
Some, like Jackson, just have broad appeal and fan bases who turn out to see them no matter where they go. The paparazzi will follow the crowds or try to be there first. Others like Paris Hilton try to attract attention, to the point of informing paparazzi where they'll be for a photo op because that is their sole popularity/talent. Others like Britney, Lindsey Lohan and lately Tiger Woods create the craziness by their own actions, mistakes, bad decisions, and sometimes on purpose.

Constant attention from the paparazzi is more a curse than a blessing. Other celebrities have a more low key approach and manage to live their lives and stay out of the news until they want something in print.
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Post Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 1:12 am
  Post subject:  What causes some people to create papparazzi and have constant crowds following them and bodyguards  Reply with quote
simple... fame.
Post Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:39 am
  Post subject:  What causes some people to create papparazzi and have constant crowds following them and bodyguards  Reply with quote
some are more popular than the other therefor causing
way more comotion and papparazzi
Post Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2011 12:06 am
  Post subject:  What causes some people to create papparazzi and have constant crowds following them and bodyguards  Reply with quote
They have larger-than-life personalities. People often worship these stars. And, because of that, there are plenty of tabloid and newspaper owners that will dole out big money for the paparazzi to take pictures of these people doing random everyday things that will create a lot of buzz about their personalities, and as a result, make for money for the media.
Post Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:33 pm
  Post subject:  What causes some people to create papparazzi and have constant crowds following them and bodyguards  Reply with quote
always around them while other people don't have that? For instance, what caused Michael Jackson to create constant crowds around him, always had bodyguards while his brothers when they go out they don't need bodyguards nor do cameras follow them? Or what causes Paris Hilton and Britney Spears to create papparazzi while other hollywood figures don't create that? What accounts for the differentiation between these figures?
Post Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2011 11:33 pm

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