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Topic review - If a job is advertised as full time ... how long do they expect you to work for ?
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  Post subject:  If a job is advertised as full time ... how long do they expect you to work for ?  Reply with quote
Most full time positions are around 36 to 40 hours a week.

If you are only planning to work for 1 - 3 months I would recommend that you 1.) tell them that before they hire you 2.) Don't bother. Hiring an employee is a huge expense due to the excessive cost of training a new employee. It takes on average 1 - 3 months to train an employee. This means that by the time you are properly trained you intend to quit? Why bother? It is not going to look good on your work record for you to have worked a job for that short of a time. If I saw that on your record, I wouldn't hire you. I'd be afraid that you were going to do the same thing to me. Not a risk or expense I'd be willing to take.
Post Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 11:15 pm
  Post subject:  If a job is advertised as full time ... how long do they expect you to work for ?  Reply with quote
Varies, in that it should state how many there are in your contract. However this means NOTHING anyy more, working as an accountant full time I was paid for 34.5 hours full time, I generally had to put in at least 38 hours a week, added to the fact I had to do take work home meant I was doing over 70.

Even walmart/Tesco jobs unpaid overtime is common.

The more I think about it, the only time unpaid overtime was in McDonald's in 1994 when I worked there, you were paid for ALL the hours you put in, today business is brutal and unpaid overtime is expected and peer pressured into you, the UK does a good 12bn£ of unpaid overtime and there is a phenominon called extreme overtime where my accountancy situation was becoming normal people paid for 35hours but normally doing close to 60. Makes a mockery of min wages etc.

Just ask, or take jobs that pay by the hour and refuse to do anymore, bosses will not like you for this but if everybody starts working for free then the boundaries are pushed and pushed until we are all slaves. Internships are the WORST (in the UK unpaid ones are illegal but companies still use them for free labour).
Post Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:15 pm
  Post subject:  If a job is advertised as full time ... how long do they expect you to work for ?  Reply with quote
Im not exactly sure , Im looking for a job only to hold onto ....either 1 month..... or 3 months..... depending on finances ... im fresh out of school

So should I stick to just casual advertised work .... ?

Everything seems to be full time

any tips

Post Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 5:15 pm

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