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How do I stop hurting my family? It is killing me inside.?
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Author:  Anjani [ Tue Apr 20, 2010 8:49 am ]
Post subject:  How do I stop hurting my family? It is killing me inside.?

I want to stop hurting my family. I am realizing that I am losing out on so much. My brother said that I would never progress until I respect my elders. But this is my problem I am very vocal in front of my mom and my brother but when it comes to talk to others I become very shy. My mom said that she reminded her of my Dads certain behavior that she never liked. I felt like killing myself and ending all their miseries in one moment. And this is not a one day thing I have been feeling this for the past 2 years now. I feel If i don't talk now I will ruin everyone's life.

Please help me!!

I did decide to tell everything to my Mom and Dad about whatever wrongs I have done in life but I get afraid and I am never able to say anything to them.

I feel that I am responsible for all the misery that is happening to my family and I want to change it but I find no solution.

P.S: I have a bad habit of eating walls when I am really nervous or stressed . I controlled it for a few months but it recurred.

I have no one I can call my friend in all these years of my life.

- Anjani

I tried getting help from a counselor but the situation actually worsened...... N I changed colleges so I stopped going to him and got busy in my life but when I have free time I am just unable to concentrate on anything!!!

Author:  QuiteNewHere [ Tue Apr 20, 2010 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  How do I stop hurting my family? It is killing me inside.?

a doctor will call your problem "internalizing"
You have trouble "communicating"

a few sessions with a counselor can help you begin to get it out of your mind.
Thats all it takes just learning ways to bounce a problem out into the ears of friends and those who love you and will not be judgmental of you.
The ones who will love you continuously anyway afterwards despite whatever you will say.

Their love is unconditional.
For now- a counselor will train you in small steps as to how to begin a conversation
It will be hard at first.

But you can find our way out.

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