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"China" presses on 11 big tech companies to protect 200 mill
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Author:  jira13578 [ Mon Apr 18, 2022 4:25 am ]
Post subject:  "China" presses on 11 big tech companies to protect 200 mill


Independent workers focusingSLOTon temporary employment Also known as gig workers, it's a key driver of the economy amid the growing tech world. But gig workers are not in the system of employers and are not protected as much labor rights as they should be. Make China with a large number of gig workers. Must pressure big companies to improve regulations to protect the rights of these workers.

The South China Morning Post reported that China's Ministry of Human Resources and Social Welfare (MHRSS) released a report on Jan. 21, 2022, of meetings with 11 major technology companies to discuss and report progress on regulatory improvements. to protect the rights of independent workers more

Several technology companies attended the meeting. Such as e-commerce giants "Alibaba Group" "Tencent", as well as large ride-hailing service providers such as "Titi Chusing" and "Chow Chow Mobility", as well as the owner Food delivery platforms such as "Mei Tuan" "Ele Me" (

by the said meeting Ministry of Human Resources and Social Welfare together with the Ministry of Transport The State Administration of Market Regulation (SAMR) and the Chinese Federation of Trades Unions (ACFTU) have issued an “administrative instruction” urging companies to deeply understand the needs of workers. increase the protection of workers' rights Fix algorithms and labor regulations on the platform. including improving the mechanisms within the organization

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