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UN set for swine flu crisis talks. Could this be the big announcement?
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Author:  tm [ Sat Jun 13, 2009 2:53 pm ]
Post subject:  UN set for swine flu crisis talks. Could this be the big announcement?

United Nations health officials have called an emergency meeting to discuss swine flu, amid rumours that the first global flu pandemic in 40 years will be declared. The World Health Organization announced the meeting after a steep rise in the number of cases in Australia. Hong Kong on Thursday announced it was closing all its nurseries and primary schools for two weeks after 12 students tested positive for the virus.

Swine flu is mild in most countries, however it seems that no one is taking the chance of allowing it to mutate into something more deadly. you think that this could be the meeting that declares a Phase 6 alert?

Author:  michelangliron [ Sat Jun 13, 2009 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  UN set for swine flu crisis talks. Could this be the big announcement?

I bet they will.
1. There are increasing cases in 73 countries.
2. This is their moment to be famous.

The announcement doesn't mean anything really. It doesn't change the real situation. But you can be assured that the newspapers will make a real big story about it. Like they do everything that is not that important.
H1N1, to give it its official name, is much less dangerous than driving a car, smoking or doing drugs. Way more people are dying from these things than little ol' H1N1.
It's all a matter of seeing the wider picture and not getting excited about what the TV and newspapers spew at us.

Author:  Tom5455 [ Sat Jun 13, 2009 4:29 pm ]
Post subject:  UN set for swine flu crisis talks. Could this be the big announcement?

a) What is a 'Phase 6 alert'??
b) A lot more school's are being closed due to the Swine Flu, Swine Flu used to be at the bottom/middle of the UK last i heard, but now its 8 miles away from me!! and im in the North, so it's obvioulsy spreading!

Author:  CraigC [ Sat Jun 13, 2009 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  UN set for swine flu crisis talks. Could this be the big announcement?

It has been made.

A global pandemic has begun!!!

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