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Topic review - Should being a Christian who believes in the rapture disqualify you to fly commercial airplanes?
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  Post subject:  Re: Should being a Christian who believes in the rapture disqual  Reply with quote
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Post Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 11:03 am
  Post subject:  Re: Should being a Christian who believes in the rapture disqual  Reply with quote
Post subject: Should being a Christian who believes in the rapture disqualify you to fly commercial airplanes? Reply with quote
Yes. I believe that all people should be held to their beliefs, especially when they're ridiculous. I don't believe *anyone else* should be held to those beliefs, so don't misunderstand me. I just love the idea of making fundies practice what they preach.
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I heard there was one airline that would not allow both the pilot and co-pilot of the plane be christian because they wanted unbelieving passengers to be taken care of in case of the rapture.

It's a popular rumor but snopes' investigation did not confirm the rumor. I guess it's not true.

But here's the ignorance of your question... the rapture of the church will occur on God's time. So it doesn't matter, the time or circumstances, when God calls us it's the right time. And the reason you won't go is because you don't listen.
Post Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 2:36 pm
  Post subject:  Should being a Christian who believes in the rapture disqualify you to fly commercial airplanes?  Reply with quote
Yes. I believe that all people should be held to their beliefs, especially when they're ridiculous. I don't believe *anyone else* should be held to those beliefs, so don't misunderstand me. I just love the idea of making fundies practice what they preach.
Content provided by Yahoo Answers.
Post Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 8:08 pm
  Post subject:  Should being a Christian who believes in the rapture disqualify you to fly commercial airplanes?  Reply with quote
I heard there was one airline that would not allow both the pilot and co-pilot of the plane be christian because they wanted unbelieving passengers to be taken care of in case of the rapture.

It's a popular rumor but snopes' investigation did not confirm the rumor. I guess it's not true.

But here's the ignorance of your question... the rapture of the church will occur on God's time. So it doesn't matter, the time or circumstances, when God calls us it's the right time. And the reason you won't go is because you don't listen.
Post Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 7:46 pm
  Post subject:  Should being a Christian who believes in the rapture disqualify you to fly commercial airplanes?  Reply with quote
Well then maybe you should accept Jesus as your savior and not have to worry about it :O) By the way, no one can deny someone a job based on their religious beliefs or lack of them. And no one can be fired for them either.
Post Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 7:23 pm
  Post subject:  Should being a Christian who believes in the rapture disqualify you to fly commercial airplanes?  Reply with quote
Only if you're the pilot?
Post Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 7:01 pm
  Post subject:  Should being a Christian who believes in the rapture disqualify you to fly commercial airplanes?  Reply with quote
Interesting point.

Maybe airlines should disclose which of their pilots believe in the rupture.
Post Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 6:38 pm
  Post subject:  Should being a Christian who believes in the rapture disqualify you to fly commercial airplanes?  Reply with quote
If you are not taken up in the rapture, it will be better for you to die in the plane crash.
Post Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 6:16 pm
  Post subject:  Should being a Christian who believes in the rapture disqualify you to fly commercial airplanes?  Reply with quote
Hopefully there aren't too many Christian surgeons out there!"Okay, now I'm going to make a small incision under-" *FFFWAM!*

*scalpel slices lung open*
Post Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 5:53 pm
  Post subject:  Should being a Christian who believes in the rapture disqualify you to fly commercial airplanes?  Reply with quote
I mean, if you get raptured in flight, it could be a potential disaster.

Rapture is fine and all, but do it on your own time.

BTW - spellchecker wanted me to change it to "ruptured". Weird.
Post Posted: Mon May 23, 2011 5:53 pm

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