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Topic review - How do I learn SEO (search engine optimization) copywriting?
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  Post subject:  How do I learn SEO (search engine optimization) copywriting?  Reply with quote
I was in your position just a few months ago and am in the process of starting my own SEO company. I have actually learned a lot just by searching around the internet, you will notice that several names begin to pop up more often than not. Whether you find a good class to attend or an online course you should routinely check out;
and I also find good info on <---- Has a course coming up.

Brian Horn is also a good person follow for SEO info.

You can find out about the course by going to their page, here is a link as well:

That should be a good course on total SEO/SEM. I am considering going.

But, if you are just looking to learn about the copywriting aspect you will probably find a huge variance on what is the best way to go and I believe that first and foremost you should just write for your target market. After all, if no one likes your site and hates your copy, then a first page ranking really doesn't matter.

The key really is to pay attention to the keywords you are optimizing for and write about that topic or subject and be sure to include the keyword a couple of times in the actual text.

I hope this answers your question or is at least something you can use. Let us know what class you find and if it turns out to be a good one.

Content provided by Yahoo Answers.
Post Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:04 am
  Post subject:  How do I learn SEO (search engine optimization) copywriting?  Reply with quote

U can opt for complete SEO Training rather than SEO Copywriting. If you are able to under how the SE works you will able to write content accordingly and avoid spam techniques.

Web Trainings offer Online SEO Training
Post Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 9:19 am
  Post subject:  How do I learn SEO (search engine optimization) copywriting?  Reply with quote
The art of writing copy that actually sells is a lot harder to master than many people make out.

The goal when writing copy shouldn't really be solely to acquire extra visibility in search, it should be to inform users and encourage conversions to take place. By informing users these users will in turn spread the word about your content which will result in more backlinks to your content and ultimately, higher rankings for your target terms.

The important thing you need to do before you start is to think about what the user wants from the piece and how you can craft it in such a way that it ties in with a conversion point on your website while simultaneously addressing the needs of the user.

Needless to say, if that's the standard you want to reach then it's going to take practice. If you want to opt for a lower standard, like much of the content which has been weeded out by Google's latest algorithmic update Panda, then simply consult with a few of the hardest hit sites like

All in all, the best copywriting site on the web is by far and away
Post Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 8:34 am
  Post subject:  How do I learn SEO (search engine optimization) copywriting?  Reply with quote
I found a lot info about SEO here Plus they provide a great and free tools for seo.
Post Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:49 am
  Post subject:  How do I learn SEO (search engine optimization) copywriting?  Reply with quote
Nothing hard, only make a habit to read two or three articles about search engine optimization or internet marketing in a day on net and search more and more content or video tutorials about it.You may learn this process within a month or less.
Post Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:04 am
  Post subject:  How do I learn SEO (search engine optimization) copywriting?  Reply with quote
You could always pay a little up front for a self-taught method. Most of this stuff you can learn yourself or spend a bit on a quality self-help training.

Here are a few links that might help you out:
Post Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:19 am
  Post subject:  How do I learn SEO (search engine optimization) copywriting?  Reply with quote
Ranking algorithms that search engines like Google use are getting very sophisticated, so a SEO rules of thumb like the one that you should put your keyword in every 100 words of text isn't good enough any more.

Not a form, content is a King.

I strongly suggest you to write for your readers and not for search engines. In a long term this type of content will be a winner.
Post Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 5:34 am
  Post subject:  How do I learn SEO (search engine optimization) copywriting?  Reply with quote
If you would like to learn more about SEO, you could visit

Although seo copywriting is effective, the most important thing is to have great quality text within the site. It's not so much as manipulating the search engine as it is providing great content. You will see results, it just takes time.

Now if you are still interested in SEO copywriting, you can take a look at

Post Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 4:49 am
  Post subject:  How do I learn SEO (search engine optimization) copywriting?  Reply with quote
I'm a mostly-traditional advertising copywriter hoping to expand my digital horizons and am looking to learn SEO (search engine optimization) copywriting. I live in NYC, and I'd rather take an actual class at a location than an online course. Anyone have any good suggestions? Thanks.
Post Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 4:49 am

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