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Topic review - What do you think should happen to the 8 teens who beat their fellow classmate?
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  Post subject:  Re: What do you think should happen to the 8 teens who beat thei  Reply with quote
Anonymous wrote:
kelli r wrote:
I think the local authorities and her parents are filing criminal charges against the Thug girls and I personally hope the courts through the book at the future terrorists/criminals. We all need to pray for our youth!!

The youth now is very aggressive and very violent, it shouldn't be that way. The problem always starts within the family, that's why parents should read this article about how to deal with

Prayer is good but what those girls need is human intervention. Their parents should consider sending their child in an all to really teach them discipline and respect. I think if the family can't do anything (or has already done all but still there are no progress) then i guess seeking professional help isn't a bad thing. If it will do good on them, then GO. :?
Post Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 5:16 am
  Post subject:  Re: What do you think should happen to the 8 teens who beat thei  Reply with quote
kelli r wrote:
I think the local authorities and her parents are filing criminal charges against the Thug girls and I personally hope the courts through the book at the future terrorists/criminals. We all need to pray for our youth!!

The youth now is very aggressive and very violent, it shouldn't be that way. The problem always starts within the family, that's why parents should read this article about how to deal with
Post Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:04 am
  Post subject:  What do you think should happen to the 8 teens who beat their fellow classmate?  Reply with quote
20 years in chatting prison,
Getting beat up, taste of their own medicine
Content provided by Yahoo Answers.
Post Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:22 pm
  Post subject:  What do you think should happen to the 8 teens who beat their fellow classmate?  Reply with quote
They should be tried as adults and go to prison for along long time......................
Post Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:02 pm
  Post subject:  What do you think should happen to the 8 teens who beat their fellow classmate?  Reply with quote
jail for at least 10 years, that shit is have fun!
Post Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 11:42 am
  Post subject:  What do you think should happen to the 8 teens who beat their fellow classmate?  Reply with quote
I think that it was just ridicilous. I am sick to my stomach. I have never in my life seen something like that. I am so furious. I cannot believe that people would do that. I am study criminal law and those teens are going to be slapped with every charge that fits the circumstance.

I am so hurt by this. This girl could have died or ended up with brain damage. This is just awful. All over myspace. I do not care what anyone says to me, I would never in my life do that to anyone. They had NO right to hold this girl captive. Its just crazy. It makes me so upset.

She will not be going back to public school because of this. An honor student will be homed schooled now. They just robbed her of her freedom of speech, and of socializing with people at school.

I am praying for Victoria Lindsay. I pray that God continue to keep his arms around her because it was nobody but him. If he hadnt been there with her she could have died.

These girls were supposed to be her friends...thats not a friend. They tricked her. And then too for the mother who the house belonged to is attacking this little girl..."she shouldnt have provoked them...what kind of mess is that.

If my child ever does something like this, oh, she has my support alright, but you might as well go on down town and do your time. I will be like the lady who refused to allow her son a plea bargin because he accidentally killed her friend's daughter while wrestling.

I cannot believe this. It's not right and I pray that justice is served.
Post Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 11:22 am
  Post subject:  What do you think should happen to the 8 teens who beat their fellow classmate?  Reply with quote
I think the local authorities and her parents are filing criminal charges against the Thug girls and I personally hope the courts through the book at the future terrorists/criminals. We all need to pray for our youth!!
Post Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 11:02 am
  Post subject:  What do you think should happen to the 8 teens who beat their fellow classmate?  Reply with quote
It is a tragedy. Can you imagine if it was your kid who was attacked? And we are hearing more and more accounts of these kinds of attacks. It is a reflection of what our society is becoming.

We now have fight clubs for kids as young as 6 years old. Ultimate fighting in a cage.

I don't know what the answer is.
Post Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:42 am
  Post subject:  What do you think should happen to the 8 teens who beat their fellow classmate?  Reply with quote
They should be Suspended from school for the REST of the Year- so they'll have to REPEAT the Grade come September; they should have to do "X" # of Hours of Community Service by the time they DO return to School in the Fall... AND, they should be required to divide up & PAY FOR- all the Medical Bills of the girl they beat up- no matter HOW LONG it takes... ... AND, since they SO wanted to get a Video of themselves on U-Tube, they should be made to tape a PUBLIC APOLOGY to that Girl- & put it On U-Tube along with the Sign; "We're Sorry for Being Such Jerks". :)
Post Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:22 am
  Post subject:  What do you think should happen to the 8 teens who beat their fellow classmate?  Reply with quote
They should be subjected to the same treatment if you ask me.

How very sad for that poor girl. I too hope that the law throws the book at them. But I'll bet that won't happen because the legal system is filled with liberals who believe that thugs can be rehabilitated.
Post Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 9:42 am
  Post subject:  What do you think should happen to the 8 teens who beat their fellow classmate?  Reply with quote
I am furious over the youtube video that has been in the headlines recently where the 8 thuggish girls almost beat another girl to death.
They beat her unconcious and reportedly were not even remorseful and laughed about their cruel assault in jail. The poor kid lost some of her hearing and vision. What do you think their punishment should be? I personally hope they throw the book at the girls and the boys who guarded the doors so the poor kid couldn't get out.
Post Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 9:42 am

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