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Topic review - WHY do people say 99.9% of jobs online are scams?
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  Post subject:  WHY do people say 99.9% of jobs online are scams?  Reply with quote
everytime i try to do surveys and after i finish the whole survey then they say oops you didn't qualify its crap.
Post Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:25 am
  Post subject:  WHY do people say 99.9% of jobs online are scams?  Reply with quote
If depends on how you count. In other words, 99.9% can be accurate because of all the duplication of the spams from some many people. Yes, there are legit jobs on-line, but with so much "noise" it's very hard to find them. If you see a spam posted 100 times for 15 different on-line "jobs" from just 10 people, do you count that as 100 posts or 15 posts or 10 posts? The problem is that it's easier for people to earn money or points or whatever by recruiting others to join than it is for them to do whatever the web site actually does, that they spam for all their worth. So I'd say that 99.9% could well be accurate.
Post Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 7:37 am
  Post subject:  WHY do people say 99.9% of jobs online are scams?  Reply with quote
are you asking from experience or just out of curiosity, I have not found any legit ones yet cause they all have a catch, I heard that you do not need any money for project payday but found they wanted 35 dollars for the first trade so this wasn't good. there are some good opportunitys to work from home but you do have do your homework on them, most people who want extra income only yell scam then wonder why they don't get any where in life
Post Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 6:49 am
  Post subject:  WHY do people say 99.9% of jobs online are scams?  Reply with quote
Hi Doctor.

People say that about online business opportunities because to a certain extent its true. Although %99.9 is a little high!

Statistics can be misleading, are they counting unique opportunities or are they counting individual ads ?

The people who write these stats are generally those who read sales pages expecting to find a scam. By the very nature of sales pages, the opportunity no matter what it is, is stated as its best case scenario. e.g invest $5 now and receive $2,000,000 for doing nothing!

Because this is in print its taken as gospel. If YOU invested $5 and only got $50 in return would you think that you have been scammed? even though you have made ten times your investment!

Having said all that, their really are a lot of misleading "unmissable opportunities" out on the net. There number is in fact a little exaggerated do to affiliates (many people advertising one product for a share in its profit).

My opinion is this.
Not all are scams, i make a living form some very good value schemes and products from some very reputable companies and vendors. But be very careful which you decide to go with and if you chose "free trials" be careful reading the fine print.

And if is really does "sound too good to be true" then it generally is.

I have loads of links that i could post but i do not wish for this to be perceived as spamming which i disagree with totally but please feel free to contact me for more information.

Hope this helps.
Post Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 6:01 am
  Post subject:  WHY do people say 99.9% of jobs online are scams?  Reply with quote
well, because it is easier for someone to scam u online then in person these days, so most scammers choose that route.
Post Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 5:13 am
  Post subject:  WHY do people say 99.9% of jobs online are scams?  Reply with quote
That is riduculous don't YOU think ? OK maybe the term Jobs is the problem because Online stuff is Businesses such as affiliate programs and information selling digital products BY seraching i find that the % is 88% that are scams the ones that adverise google cash write for google are scams they are referring to ADWORDS accounts which are free to GET then you pay X amount of $ to have Your ads listed on Google's search engine in your niche ! Also they use Data entry Jobs online for things like survey sites and Google businesses ! IF you do not know how to do adwords or any other PPC program then DON'T start because YOU be broke FAST ! SO give YOUR answers to MY question is it really 99.9 % are scams or really far less ?

Post Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 4:25 am

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