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TEENS: if you could started a flash mob what kind would it be?

24th October 2011

TEENS: if you could started a flash mob what kind would it be?

posted in Teens |

Describe what the flash mob would be like:

Mine would be like a few hundred people all together singing lady gaga music and dancing:D At the closest college Cal Poly
A flashmob is when a large group of people suddenly come together and perform some sort of action which draws an audience very quickly. After they perform the stunt the group of people quickly disperse.

There are currently 5 responses to “TEENS: if you could started a flash mob what kind would it be?”

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  1. 1 On October 24th, 2011, allie said:

    Sorry but can you explain what a flash mob is? Ill edit my answer in.

  2. 2 On October 24th, 2011, laney said:

    Mine would probably be gather up a bunch of people and then go out to our nearest mall. We would get music to play over the speakers and then start dancing and singing like crazy hopefully everyone would join in. And then why not just play a big game of musical statues? XD

  3. 3 On October 24th, 2011, iBlondie said:

    Mine would be halffilling a train carriage about 50 people then getting the people to dance to techno music and seeing the reaction of the other passengers.

  4. 4 On October 24th, 2011, garbagedogup2 said:

    Ehh.. Getting lots of people and go somewhere really busy and popular with tourists.. then get everyone to just scream and lay on the ground for a few minutes.

  5. 5 On October 24th, 2011, anonymous said:

    alot of people singing born this way :3

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