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playstation 3 wont play games with trophy install today?

14th March 2010

playstation 3 wont play games with trophy install today?

posted in Computer & Internet |

Ok so i have a PS3 Phat. i went to play tekken 6 today but instead of the game playing i got the error code 0X8001050F. So i been looking on the net and other people have been having the the same problem. They are saying it has somthing to do with the play station network but my ps3 isnt connected at the moment. One person said it has somthing to do with the clock and it will fix its self on march the 2nd so why not change the clock back? Anyway what ups with this?

There are currently 3 responses to “playstation 3 wont play games with trophy install today?”

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  1. 1 On March 14th, 2010, Jenny said:

    This is a worldwide issue. Youre not the only one. You should have an Error 8001050.
    This error is caused by the month of February having only 28 days this year which causes problems with the PS3 internal clock.

    DO NOT format your system. Sony is currently working on the issue and recommends users not to use their system for at least 24 hours.

    A failure to load your trophy set may cause your trophies for that game to be deleted. DO NOT put games in your system. It is uncertain whether deleted trophies will become available again in the future.
    The situation is presumed to to become normal in a day or two but either Sony reverting the network to a previous state or by the clock returning to normal in March.

    Moving the clock ahead will not do anything. You cant do anything about it so just wait it out.

  2. 2 On March 14th, 2010, nikki said:

    Its a hardware issue related to the clock… Dont worry it will rectify itself within the next 24 hours. Read the question in the below link.

  3. 3 On March 14th, 2010, Roberts Momma said:

    its a worldwide issue because february has only 28 days and the internal clock of the system cannot operate proparely wait until tommorow and you should be fine i recommend staying off your system for 24 hours.. my ps3 system hoever is running fine

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