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If weight loss is all about reducing calories and exercising, why not starve yourself?

29th April 2012

If weight loss is all about reducing calories and exercising, why not starve yourself?

posted in Society & Cultures |
weight loss
by jp_ns

Question by MCI Excellence: If weight loss is all about reducing calories and exercising, why not starve yourself?
Everyone seems to say the same thing about weight loss; reduce calories, exercise more. Then why not starve yourself? Then there is NO calories. Wouldn’t that make the most sense? Wouldn’t the body use up its fat reserves quicker?

Best answer:

Answer by Toilet
no…its called anorexia..

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There are currently 3 responses to “If weight loss is all about reducing calories and exercising, why not starve yourself?”

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  1. 1 On April 29th, 2012, steele said:

    If you starve yourself, you will not have much energy for exercise. Once the body feels itself being starved, it drastically slows down metabolism and will start digesting muscle for energy.

  2. 2 On April 29th, 2012, kwgirlroper09 said:

    Hi the reason they want people to do it the more sensible way of losing weight is because starving yourself is deadly for your body. When you starve yourself you are taking away the nutrients that your body needs to function properly. Our bodies are such intricate things and everything functions together but when you take away the nutrients that you’re body needs to function you are at risk for things to go wrong with your body. Our bodies fall apart when we age as it is so we don’t need to encourage that when we are younger. Exercise is good for you for several reasons, mentally, and it helps with circulation and strengthens your heart and muscles. Everyone in this day and age eat way too many carbie foods, me included at times. Cutting those down and exercising really does work and help you to lose weight plus you will end up having a body that is toned and strengthened.
    Hope this helps.

  3. 3 On April 29th, 2012, AussieGIRL♥ said:

    When they say reduce calories, they’re talking about 500 at the most. They aren’t saying all of them because there is a reason for that – food gives you energy and keeps you functioning, without consuming calories an individual can get very sick and/or die. Everyone needs to eat. Some people eat too much and gain weight, some people eat too little and lose weight and become anorexic – but nobody should starve themselves. And presuming that person DOES live to start eating again – they’ll put all the weight back on.

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