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Is this a healthy breakfast??

10th November 2010

Is this a healthy breakfast??

posted in Computer & Internet |

Hi OK I am a happy and healthy 13 year old boy using moms account OK so I am so happy to say ive lost 75 lbs in the last 45 months. Now tommorow morning for breakfast im going to spice up my breakfast. I am going to have quick oatmeal. Same thing as quaker oats. It comes in a cylinder tube. I am going to put raisins cinnamon and brown sugar and some skim milk in it. Will that be healthy?? The brown sugar at least. And the oats have only 150 calories so. I am a very rare teen. Im not like the rest of American teens who stuff their faces with McDonalds and burger king. LOL. So do u guys think im wise?

There are currently 5 responses to “Is this a healthy breakfast??”

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  1. 1 On November 10th, 2010, Joe D said:

    I think its great
    Way to be healthy

  2. 2 On November 10th, 2010, Sick Of Yahoo Answers said:

    i think that that is a very good choice as a breakfast you could be eating other foods that are much less healthy.

    but you should be careful in how much weight you are losing. you are still young. how much do you weigh now? and how much more do you want to lose?

  3. 3 On November 10th, 2010, gohawks365 said:

    Raisins are fine and so is the cinnamon… and VERY good with the skim milk

    Just be careful with the brown sugar… you should try a little honey instead

    But overall sounds like a great breakfast to me

  4. 4 On November 10th, 2010, carlos said:

    Thats awesome Im one of those rare teens too lol. I am very restrictive about what I eat and dont stuff my face. Just maybe have a banana or some fruit with that breakfast and youll be good to go

  5. 5 On November 10th, 2010, Charlotte S said:

    WAY healthy. congrats on losing all that weight you are definitely a rare teen i could never motivate myself to lose that much weight in that little time…that breakfast is no more than 250 calories so i suggest eating a serving of fruit with it : that would probably be one of the healthiest breakfasts you could have

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