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Wheybolic protein good for weight loss?

16th February 2014

Wheybolic protein good for weight loss?

Question by Colton: Wheybolic protein good for weight loss?
Is it good for rapid weight loss? Legit answers only please.

Best answer:

Answer by KairuSS/RS
There nothing that is specific for rapid weight loss that all depends on the total calories you eat a day. Protein shakes are just an easy way to get either enough calories or replace meals to keep calories low. That said most proteins are similar it just depends on the calories per serving, and how many calories you want per shake. So yes your example would help, but only if you don’t use too much of eat that it makes you gain weight.

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posted in Society & Cultures | 0 Comments

16th February 2014

How to get rid of acne ???!!?

Question by Sophia: How to get rid of acne ???!!?
I’m almost 16 and I have some acne, everyone in my family had acne as a teen… I hate it because it makes me feel gross, it’s not super bad, but it’s noticeable,, I have more then 7 pretty much always I don’t think I’ve ever had less… I wear makeup and wash my face and use toner…. I’ve tried several different make ups trying to find which one is better for acne and looks better.

Best answer:

Answer by Willie
I to have the same problem. I found that using a couple layers of acne cream works very well. It will help dry the acne. Make sure you buy a moisturizer to use in the morning

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posted in Teens | 2 Comments

16th February 2014

Does drinking Diet Coke hinder Weight Loss?

Question by Tony A: Does drinking Diet Coke hinder Weight Loss?
I am talking about having 1 44oz drink per day. Can that slow down my weight loss?

Best answer:

Answer by sci55
No, it shouldn’t. However, diet colas have been linked to lower bone density (another health problem), so if you haven’t already, you might want to add calcium to your diet. Also, I’ve read (but am not sure I believe) that diet sodas can fuel appetite. If you are watching what you’re eating anyway, this shouldn’t be a problem.

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posted in Society & Cultures | 6 Comments


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