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Middle school help! please answer i start school in 2 weeks and need to know now!?

18th November 2013

Middle school help! please answer i start school in 2 weeks and need to know now!?

Question by : Middle school help! please answer i start school in 2 weeks and need to know now!?
I have a few questions.
1. what supplies should i bring the first day of seventh grade and what to take i in?
2. any style tips/beauty tips for me so i can look great? any remedies for homemade exfoliating, etc.
3. what should i know about middle school before the first day?
4.any advice about lockers?
PS: mizz futuristic thanks a bunch that ws most detailed and helpfull message :)

Best answer:

Answer by tynestarlet
1. Use a backpack to carry your binder(s), pencils, pens, paper, etc..
2.Flat ironed hair is in right now, I think.
3.It’s a hell of a lot more drama than high school or elementary school.
4. lockers are easy, you will get the hang of them in a few days, maybe write down the code in your palm or shoe to remember.

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posted in Chat & Forums | 3 Comments

18th November 2013

acne removal tips

acne removal tips Hi I am a 17 years old teen,acne was the biggest problem in my life but know I learned how to remove acne by these free tips. so you also can use this acne…

acne removal tips Hi I am a 17 years old teen,acne was the biggest problem in my life but know I learned how to remove acne by these free tips. so you also can use this acne…

posted in Teens | 0 Comments


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