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How can I get better skin?

26th October 2013

How can I get better skin?

Question by Melissa: How can I get better skin?
I take really good care of my skin but i still get the occasional pimple and a few blemishes and its uneven. Are there any beauty tips or excersises (steaming my face) i can do to help?~THANK-YOU

Best answer:

Answer by sk4nk_f4c3
A good skincare plan. Cleanse tone and moisturise daily. Exfoliate and mask once a week. Good excercise to improve circulation, plenty of water, at least 8 hours sleep and a good, balanced diet. Also, this acne may be down to hormones.

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posted in Chat & Forums | 3 Comments

26th October 2013

acne removal tips

acne removal tips Hi I am a 17 years old teen,acne was the biggest problem in my life but know I learned how to remove acne by these free tips. so you also can use this acne…
Video Rating: 0 / 5 Hi I am a 17 years old teen,acne was the biggest problem in my life but know I learned how to remove acne by these free tips. so you also can use this acne…
Video Rating: 0 / 5

posted in Teens | 1 Comment


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