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TEENS: What should i do? Any ideas?

15th July 2011

TEENS: What should i do? Any ideas?

So i have to do a poster for English and idk what to do….heres what im supposed to do:


Pretend that you are the head of a committee for a community organization. You are in charge of creating a poster to advertise for or explain one of the clubs products services goals or events perhaps a cookbook a book drive a mission statement a recycling plan or an ice cream party. Your poster will be evaluated based on the following guidelines:

Information is presented clearly.
Layout is easily followed and appropriate for content.
Colors textures and fonts are creative but not distracting or excessive.
Elements of visual design are considered.

So i definitely want a music theme but do you have any creative ideas??? THANKS in advance 😀

posted in Society & Cultures | 3 Comments


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