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i need help coming up with character names for a story.?

29th March 2011

i need help coming up with character names for a story.?

this mans a evil dictator and he has 2 followers. his muscle and a girl thats walks to vicious dogs around. anyone think of good names for them??
and by muscle i mean his right hand man. the strong guy that no one wants to mess with.
the dictators brother died. when they were teens then he lost his mind and started killing anyone that didnt listen to him. hes the dictator of Los Angles who separated from the US. i want him to have a normal name. but i want everyone to fear it when they hear it.
the muscle is quiet but big and built he does what his boss tells him and doesnt ask questions. and the girl is skinny but strong she cares 2 guns on a belt and walks 2 furious dogs around. she was friends with the dictator and the brother when they were younger. im not good at naming tho. got any ideas bout what i should name all of them?

posted in Society & Cultures | 4 Comments


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