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Movie about 6 kids on a lake??

25th January 2011

Movie about 6 kids on a lake??

A couple weeks ago on the channel Spike they were playing a movie about 6 i think kids/teens on a lake who play a prank and one of the kids ends up dying.
I totally forget the name of this movie Help me out?
I think the girls name was Milly and the boy who died was Shap.
The kids in the film were NOT college students The youngest was like 10 or 11 maybe. And it wasnt really a horror movie. Im pretty sure the movie title had something to do with Lake or Creek…

posted in Entertainment | 5 Comments

25th January 2011

Miley Cyrus – Mtv Top10 SuperStar #1 HD2011

GO TO OUR WEBSITE: Miley was listed by MTV the #1 “Teen Superstars” profile show

posted in Teens | 0 Comments


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