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Why am i soo emotional and upset?

23rd December 2010

Why am i soo emotional and upset?

I just got off on christmas break today and im soo upset that i have to leave school. Throughout the whole year i was counting down the days until i could leave and i usually hate school and homework but today was the last day and i just did my christmas concert for guitar and i feel like crying right now../: And lately every little thing has upset me or made me cry. Today i was feeling soo depressed because i didnt have that many guy friends compared to my other friend and that led to me thinking i would be alone for the rest of my life. And then our teacher told me we had to copy down an extra note and a wave of sadness just washed over me. And as soon as it came it was gone. why am i having so many mood swings? And then I thought about my ex and i started crying even though im over him and its been like a year and a half and then 10 minutes later i stopped and wondered why i was crying in the first place. S:
and im leaving for Europe in a couple of days for two weeks and all im feeling is sadness and like i dont want to leave home and i want to hangout with my friends. Before this week i was soo excited thats all I could think about and i always wanted to travel but i dont know i just feel…down:
im a 15 yr old girl btw.

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