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online no downlaod free fashion simulation games?

26th August 2010

online no downlaod free fashion simulation games?

what are some games that are similar to supplesims 2 or even like hook up on teen nick or like the seventeen fashion assistant any game like those except they dont no download and free and online please…and thank you

posted in Teens | 1 Comment

26th August 2010

Teens maybe you can help me with this problem…My ex…?

Since im 16 and my ex is gonna be 16 I want advice from the teenagers.

Sorry if its long I need help. I have been going out with my boyfriend for almost a year and three months. Ok. well. he broke up with me yesterday because he said he didnt want to have a long term committed relationship right now. he wanted to be alone. he wanted space. he said he still loves me as well. the night we were about to break up while we were talking i said something about today is our year and three month and i said what are you going to do tomorrow since we discussed hanging out after he had summer school. then the phone died. after that he got on msn and we talked and eventually i had to beg him to tell me what was wrong. he said hed been feeling like this for a week. hed been feeling all blah.i asked him why. he wanted to go out and see people. and i told him you already do that now. and i had to ask him so i said do you want space away from me do you want to break up? he answered my space question and said yes a little. and then he wouldnt answer me when i said if he wanted to break up. and i asked him to tell me please. and so he got another phone and called me. he told me the exact same thing i said in the beginning of this story. that he didnt want to continue for now and he didnt want a longterm committed relationship. he wanted space. and he wanted to break up. He told me he really wanted to still be friends. he told me i did NOTHING wrong its just him. he told me i was a great girl and he treated me very well. he wanted to be friends and he told me he STILL LOVED ME. he told me that this wasnt permanent the breakup and not a break either.

his past girlfriends broke up with him he didnt break up with them. they werent serious either. they only lasted a month or a few weeks. im his first serious girlfriend.

my best friend found out from him that hes confused and shocked. his emotions were confused and shocked. my best friend told him i was upset about the breakup and all he did was look at the floor.

the night we broke up i was angry so i sent a rant telling him things that were rude and i was upset and angry. then i apologized teling him it was rude and to disregard it. then he tells me dont apologize i deserve it. and i keep asking him why he deserves it but he doesnt answer. hes acting like im the one that broke up with him. i told him i want you to set things straight with me. i have the right to know. and he tells me you did nothing wrong. i just want to be alone for awhile but he told me he wanted a relationship not from me? his facebook thing looking for is friendship and relationship.

if he still loves me why would he do this?
why does he keep saying its his fault?
what does he mean by he wanted to be alone for awhile but he told me he was looking for another relationship.
if its not a permanent breakup and not a break then what is it? what does it want?

I need advice on what is going on in his head Please. I miss him and its only 24 hours….

posted in Society & Cultures | 3 Comments


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