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What to do about back acne?

24th June 2010

What to do about back acne?

Im a young adult with moderately bad bacne on mostly my upper back/shoulders. I had some acne on my face as a teenager but by my late teens it had cleared up… and migrated to my back apparently. I thought it would go away with age but it hasnt and I dont know what to do about it.

I have very sensitive skin and most acne cleansers make my skin dry flaky itchy red etc. even with just one use per day and using them every other day which is about as much as my skin can tolerate didnt work. I have tried Neutrogena products which didnt bother my skin so much but were pretty ineffective. I have also used Noxzema for sensitive skin since that used to work on my face as a teen but it wasnt all that effective on my back.

I do not sweat a lot and I shower daily taking care to lift my hair off of my back to wash it since I thought maybe my conditioner was clogging my pores. My hair does not usually sit on my bare back so I dont think thats it.

Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations of products that have worked for you? Keep in mind that I have sensitive dry skin to begin with. I have not seen a dermatologist and would really rather not because of the cost but if it comes to that I will… it is embarrassing being the only person my age who still has acne issues.

Thanks in advance for your help

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