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Im 14 and really want to write a book any advice?

24th May 2010

Im 14 and really want to write a book any advice?

Im only 14 but my dream is to be one of New York Times youngest bestsellers.
I will try my hardest to pursue my dream
how ever… I dont know where to get started

All I really know is that I want the main character to be a teen girl that loves to have fun gets in trouble at school alot and loves to party but also loves math and science and reading and other things that nowadays teens would call nerdy.
To teach teens that labels arent cool. No one is just one label.
Any ideas?
Thanks. : L
And maybe the girl would get bullied because she doesnt really fit in one group or clique.

And at the end she commits suicide and her suicide note could be the very last chapter in the book and have a dramatic and sad ending.
She ends up becoming rich or famous or something like that and everyone who bullied her ends up feeling like shit.

credit for the suicide idea to: BitterSweetSymphony


posted in Teens | 9 Comments


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