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i want to have fun but idk how w/ a protective parent…ADVICE NEEDED?

22nd May 2010

i want to have fun but idk how w/ a protective parent…ADVICE NEEDED?

there hasnt Been anything i have said or done to not have my moms trust…its almost like she is paranoid of having a teenager. anytime i ask her to spend the night at my friends house or anything regular teens think is fun the answer is always no when it always used to be yes. im a good kid w/ good grades. i dont do drugs and im not really into boys and i do most of the things she asks me to do w/ a good attitude i guess you could call me a goodiegoodie 😛 and i really want to have an open relationship w/ my mother but it almost feels like i cant when she doesnt trust w/ being on my own…what can i do to let her know she doesnt have to be over protective parent.

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